Autumn Charlotte Photo

Autumn Charlotte

Film Maker & Director

Autumn Charlotte Cohan was born and raised in Palm Beach in New South Wales to a pair of enthusiastically philosophical parents.

With a father directing and editing television commercials, documentaries and other various projects, Autumn took an interest to the digital cameras lying around in her youth and began to learn make and edit movies.

At the end of primary school she decided to make a documentary about her small Waldorf-Steiner class which premiered at the school farewell dinner to many tears, laughter and applause.

After time spent living abroad and raising a healthy boy, Autumn enrolled in a filmmaking course and Her first student film “Prescience” went on to become a finalist at the Maple Summit Film festival in the USA and the Sanctuary International festival in Queensland.

Autumn’s passionate approach to filmmaking is through philosophy, emotion, relationship and that un-definable feeling that something is greater than yourself.



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